

Helder Clothing is the connection to explore the intimate nature of handmade dresses. Scottish Cultural, Traditional Wear, Motorbike Garments, Fashion Garments.


Quality First

Delivering Satisfaction, Happiness, and Pride

We do not compromise with quality. Our aim is to deliver satisfaction, happiness and pride for your products. It is not the price; it is the pride, which we transfer to our customers.

Quality-driven Apparel

The Helder Clothing firm is the largest sewing facility in Pakistan. We believe that integrating then those who rely on off shore or onshore sub-contracting.

If our appropriateness in quality let your appeal, to open a new business avenue, surely there is a huge potential in our products, please send us your requirements/samples. We will send you the counter sample to evaluate the quality and the other aspects of the products you can look at on our products corner.


Anticipating Your Positive Partnership with Us

We assure you our best cordial cooperation, if you will open a window of opportunity to serve you in this regard. We can prove our assertion that we are insisting upon. We are Anticipating your positive response.